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Eastland Baptist Church is a church started out of Gospel Light Baptist Church of Mineral Wells, TX. At EBC we are committed to keeping Christ at the center of the church. We are traditional in our singing and preaching.  In a world of chaos, glitz and glamor we believe church should be about bringing glory to God not to self. If you are new to town or looking for a place to worship, we would love to have you join us. Bro. Steve Hill became the pastor of EBC on Aug 13th, 2023. We are excited to see how God is going to bless and grow Eastland Baptist Church! 


We want to glorify God in everything that is done at EBC.

The Bible commands Christians to take the gospel throughout the entire world. At EBC our goal is to reach the Eastland community with the gospel. We want to see lives changed as a direct result of God working in their lives. 

We also want to be a part of giving and sharing the gospel throughout the world. We do this by getting more churches planted in TX, The USA, and all over the world by supporting missionaries with prayers and monetary funds. We may be a small church but God can still do great and mighty things that can impact eternity.


We are not a church that is trying to hype you up. We keep church simple. We try our very best to apply the teachings and operations of the first century church that Jesus started. We preach the whole counsel of the Word of God. We do not pick and choose what we like. The entire Bible is profitable for us therefore we must hear it preached. We also are traditional in our music. So many churches try to replicate the worlds music and we don't believe Jesus would want his church trying to act like the world. We sing traditional hymns and gospel music.


We are commanded to love our neighbor. At Eastland Baptist Church we want to reach out to any and all who need the light of the gospel. We love for anyone, no matter your social status, to attend our services. You will be greeted and loved however you may come. Our goal is to see the Eastland community brought to a place of change due to the power of God's Word. We want to see stronger city leaders who are being led by Christ. We want to see families be made whole through the power of God. We want to see the down and out brought to a place of newness of life because of the gospel.

How to go to Heaven?

There are many different ways the world will tell how to get to heaven. Some will say it is by works or by being good. Some may say it is by giving lots of money or being part of a certain type of church. The Bible, however, gives us the answers to this question of how to get heaven. This video will explain from the Bible how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and know that you are going to heaven.


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